Chinese white radish (daikon) for bloating and indigestion
If you suffer from indigestion, bloating or sluggish bowel movements, be inspired by the Chinese and add Chinese white radish (daikon) to your diet.
White radish (Raphanus sativus) is known as Radish in English, Daikon in Japanese, and “Laifu” or “Luobo” in Chinese.
White radish is extremely popular in traditional Chinese cooking, both at home or when eating out. In fact, there’s a popular saying in certain regions of China, that says: “Eating more Chinese radish can keep you healthy”.
In China, it’s not uncommon for the family to cook Chinese radish if someone in the family is suffering from indigestion (also known as food stagnation). Chinese radish can benefit all members of the family, and can be made into dishes including Chinese radish cake, Chinese radish porridge and other Chinese radish sweets. Chinese radishes feature in many restaurant dishes, and are readily available in most Chinese markets.
This article will look at the health benefits of Chinese white radish.
What is Food Stagnation?
In Chinese medicine the Spleen system controls the body’s digestive functions. Sometimes when the Spleen is weakened or if you have eaten too much, it can take longer time to digest food and metabolise it. Undigested food retained in the digestive tract and intestines will cause accumulation of heat and toxins, and this syndrome is known as food stagnation in Chinese medicine. In western medicine, these symptoms are commonly described as indigestion.
The extra heat and toxins in the digestive system can lead to to a range of uncomfortable symptoms including:
- bloating
- sluggish bowel movements
- dark and pungent stools
- pungent wind
- bad breath
- headaches
- feeling very emotional or irritable
- insomnia
- red face
- hot body
- heavy body
- craving foods or loss of appetite.
Children suffering from food stagnation syndrome will tend to cry in the evening, suffer from unsettled sleep, have a redder face, sweating on the forehead, and a poor appetite.
Clinical experience has shown that diseases of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and fatty liver can all be associated with long term food stagnation syndrome.
Whether you are an adult or a child, food stagnation can have a significant impact on your health. If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, or are being treated for food stagnation, adding Chinese white radish to your diet may benefit your health.
Health benefits of Chinese white radish
Although the leaf, seed and root of white radish are used in cooking, only radish seed (Raphani Semen) is regarded as a herb of traditional Chinese medicine called “Lai Fu Zi”.
Radish seed is commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine for its functions of promoting digestion, relieving distention, directing “Qi” downward, and dissipating phlegm.
Traditionally, it is used to treat food dyspeptic retention, distending pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, constipation, diarrhea and dysentery, panting, and cough with phlegm congestion clinically in combination with other TCM herbs (Sham et al., 2013).
Helps digestion and improves bowel movement
Chinese white radishes can be very helpful in relieving symptoms of food stagnation, as mentioned above. It is popular to drink white radish and ginger soup (see recipe below) after consuming a heavy meal.
Helps to clear phlegm
There is a traditional Chinese medicine quote that says: “phlegm is stored in the Lung, but produced from the Spleen.”
This refers to the idea that excessive phlegm can be produced from two areas of the body, disorders affecting the lung as well as the digestive system.
Lung disorders that produce phlegm include the common cold or flu, heat and cold in the lungs, and from long-term smoking.
Chinese medicine believes that phlegm can also be produced by food stagnation syndrome. Especially after overeating very sweet, oily and deep-fried foods. Symptoms may include:
- productive, thick white phlegm
- bloating, especially after eating
- burping
- poor appetite or craving foods
- sluggish bowel movements
- heavy arms and legs
- being overweight
Eating white radish while you are undergoing treatment for this type of phlegm problem may be helpful.
White Radish Recipes
We suggest to avoid eating Chinese white radish if you are experiencing diarrhoea. Certain studies have shown that radish seed can interact with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin.
If you’re unsure if Chinese white radish is suitable for you, please consult with your Chinese medicine practitioner.
Food as medicine (A disclaimer)
Our “food as medicine” articles share knowledge about health foods in the context of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy and practices often dating back thousands of years. We also support this knowledge with references to published scientific research. Please keep in mind that scientific research into the health benefits of foods is still emerging and human research is limited.
Consuming a wide variety of natural foods as part of a balanced diet is most beneficial for health, however, we don’t advise using food alone to treat diseases. Please consult with your doctor or health professional about which foods are suitable for your body or health issues.
What Does The Research Say?
The following insights are obtained from scientific studies, systematic reviews and analysis of clinical trials investigating the efficacy of Daikon (White Radish).
2021 Trends in Food Science & Technology
From the results of 63 papers on the nutritional and phytochemical composition of Raphanus sativus, our review identified 609 phytochemicals in radish, with major constituents like flavonoids, non-flavonoid polyphenols, fat and fatty related compounds, terpenes and derivatives, and glucosinolates being reported in high concentrations in leaves and sprouts.
The phytochemicals identified in this review establish linkages to the underlying mechanisms on the health benefits of radish. Some of the radish compounds are known to have several health benefits, including antioxidant/redox activity, anticancer and apoptosis-inducing properties, cardiovascular and metabolic protective effect, and antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, among others.
Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of radish (Raphanus sativus): A systematic review Sham, T. T., Yuen, A. C., Ng, Y. F., Chan, C. O., Mok, D. K., & Chan, S. W. (2013). A review of the phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of raphani semen. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2013, 636194. https://doi.org
2019 Nutrients
Bioactive compounds present in different parts of radishes, such as leaves, sprouts, stem and roots, act on a variety of potential drug targets associated with ailments, such as cancer, inflammation, liver injury and diabetes.
Radishes is of great pharmaceutical importance, most of which has been attributed to its antioxidant property. The administration of radish extracts under numerous pathological conditions aids in the recovery of diseases and in the prevention of harmful ailments because of their attributed bioactivities. Bioactive compounds present in different parts of radishes, such as leaves, sprouts, stem and roots, act on a variety of potential drug targets associated with ailments, such as cancer, inflammation, liver injury and diabetes. However, the in-depth molecular mechanistic studies are required to address the regulatory roles of bioactive compounds in radish extracts. In future, researches focusing on the determination and pharmacokinetic elucidation of the bioactive compounds in radishes could facilitate the designing of plant based drugs for life threatening disorders, such as cancer and diabetes. Overall, the knowledge gained from the present researches in radish should be utilized in the discovery of novel drug molecules with higher efficacy towards drug targeting with less side effects.
Deciphering the Nutraceutical Potential of Raphanus sativus—A Comprehensive Overview Abinaya ManivannanOrcID,Jin-Hee Kim,Do-Sun Kim,Eun-Su Lee andHye-Eun Lee
2017 Nutrients
Radish has been identified as having antidiabetic effects, making it favorable for those with diabetic conditions.
This may be due to its ability to enhance the antioxidant defense mechanism and reduce the accumulation of free radicals, affect hormonal-induced glucose hemostasis, promote glucose uptake and energy metabolism, and reduce glucose absorption in the intestine. However, this summary requires further confirmation in research in vivo studies and clinical trials.
Radish (Raphanus sativus) and Diabetes Saleem Ali Banihani
2013 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Radish seed has been demonstrated to have beneficial effects on hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, constipation, and cough.
The dried ripe seed of Raphanus sativus L., commonly known as radish seed (or Raphani Semen), is used as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat constipation, chronic tracheitis, and hypertension. The major active compounds in Raphani Semen are alkaloids, glucosinolates, brassinosteroids, and flavonoids. Fatty acids are its main nutritional contents. Raphani Semen has been demonstrated to have beneficial effects on hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, constipation, and cough. So far, there is no report about the adverse/toxic effects of this herb on humans. However, Raphani Semen processed by roasting was reported to exhibit some adverse effects on mice. Additionally, erucic acid, the main fatty acid in Raphani Semen, was shown to enhance the toxicity of doxorubicin. Thus, Raphani Semen has a potential risk of causing toxicity and drug interaction. In summary, Raphani Semen is a valuable TCM herb with multiple pharmacological effects. More studies on Raphani Semen could help better understand its pharmacological mechanisms so as to provide clear scientific evidence to explain its traditional uses, to identify its therapeutic potential on other diseases, and to understand its possible harmful effects.
A Review of the Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Raphani Semen Tung-Ting Sham, Ailsa Chui-Ying Yuen, Yam-Fung NgChi-On ChanDaniel Kam-Wah Mok, and Shun-Wan Chan
Scientific References
Browse our collection of scientific research on Daikon (White Radish). It includes recent and reputable papers published by peer-reviewed journals within the last 10 years.
2021, Jul
Nutritional and phytochemical characterization of radish (Raphanus sativus): A systematic review
Trends in Food Science & Technology
This systematic review indicates that radish is a fundamental source of nutrients and phytochemicals. It has particular proteins such as glucosinolates, flavonoids, β-carotene, and minerals. Such characteristics are considered raw materials of nutraceuticals (nutrients used for medicine), which are further used to prevent infectious and non-communicable diseases.
Sham, T. T., Yuen, A. C., Ng, Y. F., Chan, C. O., Mok, D. K., & Chan, S. W. (2013). A review of the phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of raphani semen. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2013, 636194. https://doi.org Full Article
2019, Feb 14
Deciphering the Nutraceutical Potential of Raphanus sativus—A Comprehensive Overview
Radishes is of great pharmaceutical importance, most of which has been attributed to its antioxidant property The review showcase the bioactive compounds presented in different parts of radishes to alleviate ailments, such as cancer, inflammation, liver injury and diabetes.
Abinaya ManivannanOrcID,Jin-Hee Kim,Do-Sun Kim,Eun-Su Lee andHye-Eun Lee Full Article
2017, Sep 14
Radish (Raphanus sativus) and Diabetes
In summary, radish has been identified as having antidiabetic effects, making it favorable for those with diabetic conditions. This may be due to its ability to enhance the antioxidant defense mechanism and reduce the accumulation of free radicals, affect hormonal-induced glucose hemostasis, promote glucose uptake and energy metabolism, and reduce glucose absorption in the intestine. However, this summary requires further confirmation in research in vivo studies and clinical trials.
Saleem Ali Banihani Full Article
2013, Jul 8
A Review of the Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Raphani Semen
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
This systematic review showcased that Raphani Semen (Radish Seed) or more commonly known as LaiFuZi in Chinese Medicine, is found to have antihypertensive effects (hypertension), antilipase activities (treatment for obesity), gastrointestinal activities, constipation and antitussive effects. Thus, commonly used in Chinese Medicine for treatments.
Tung-Ting Sham, Ailsa Chui-Ying Yuen, Yam-Fung NgChi-On ChanDaniel Kam-Wah Mok, and Shun-Wan Chan Full Article
Sim Mong Li Evelyn
Good Article helps me improve my quality of life and stay healthier. Thank You!
lydia bartholow
pulled armful of these from a local farmer and need to find recipes. thanks
Ping Ming Health
White radish is such a great food to help digestion. We hope you enjoy these simple and traditional recipes!
Thanks for these very helpful tips just when I need them. I am in China, fighting constipation yet didn’t know all these healthy foods.